
Monthly payments

Yearly payments


€ 99

per month

Starter plan includes

10 search queries

Access to real-time portal

Real-time email notifications

E-mail support

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Access to off-market portal

Important features visible in emails


€ 195

per month

Professional plan includes

25 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Email support within one day

Most popular


€ 295

per month

Business plan includes

50 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Priority+ support

Monthly payments

Yearly payments


€ 99

per month

Starter plan includes

10 search queries

Access to real-time portal

Real-time email notifications

E-mail support

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Access to off-market portal

Important features visible in emails


€ 195

per month

Professional plan includes

25 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Email support within one day

Most popular


€ 295

per month

Business plan includes

50 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Priority+ support

Monthly payments

Yearly payments

Save 20% with an annual plan


€ 99

per month

Starter plan includes

10 search queries

Access to real-time portal

Real-time email notifications

E-mail support

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Access to off-market portal

Important features visible in emails


€ 195

per month

Professional plan includes

25 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Email support within one day

Most popular


€ 295

per month

Business plan includes

50 searches queries

Access to real-time portal

Access to off-market portal

Listings sent under your company name (white-label)

Important features visible in emails

Real-time email notifications

Priority+ support

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The search system for real estate agencies

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Disclaimer: All publications and expressions of Realmex are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of these publications and expressions may be reproduced, copied, or stored in any other way without prior written permission is given.

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© Copyright 2024 Realmex. All rights reserved.

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The search system for real estate agencies

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Disclaimer: All publications and expressions of Realmex are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of these publications and expressions may be reproduced, copied, or stored in any other way without prior written permission is given.

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