
The most advanced search system for real estate agencies

The most advanced search system for real estate agencies

Offer your clients more listings than

your brokers association

Offer your clients more listings than

your brokers association

The most advanced search system for real estate agencies

Offer your clients more listings than

your brokers association

All sale & rental listings

in one search system

All sale & rental listings

in one search system

All sale & rental listings

in one search system

Receive the latest rental and sale listings from more than 100+ housing websites centralized in one system.

Including all listings from NVM, VBO, and VastgoedPro.

Save hours of daily searching on different websites.

Receive the latest rental and sales offers from more than 100+ housing websites centralized

in one search system.

Including listings from NVM, VBO, and VastgoedPro.

Save hours of daily search work

on various websites

Receive the latest rental and sales offers from more than 100+ housing websites centralized

in one search system.

Including listings from NVM, VBO, and VastgoedPro.

Save hours of daily search work

on various websites


Personalized searches
for every client

Personalized searches
for every client

Personalized searches
for every client

Your clients automatically receive the newest and best home matches

Your clients automatically receive the newest and best home matches

Your clients automatically receive the newest and best home matches

Forwarded from your company name

Forwarded from your company name

Forwarded from your company name

Listings from over 100+ housing websites on one platform

Mentions of over 100+ housing websites on one platform

Listings from over 100+ housing websites on one platform

Including listings from all real estate associations NVM, VBO & VastgoedPro

Including listings from all real estate associations NVM, VBO & VastgoedPro

Including listings from all real estate associations NVM, VBO & VastgoedPro

Real-time email notifications so your clients can always be the first to view properties.

Real-time email notifications so your clients can always be the first to view properties.

Real-time email notifications so your clients can always be the first to view properties.

Realmex handles the search process for you

Realmex handles the search process for you

Our search system centralizes all housing websites into one
database and automatically matches listings to the right client
based on their search criteria.

Our search system centralizes all housing websites into one
database and automatically matches listings to the right client
based on their search criteria.

Off-market listings

Off-market listings

Off-market listings

On the platform, you will always find the latest unique real estate offerings that are not yet available on the public market.

On the platform, you will always find the latest unique real estate offerings that are not yet available on the public market.

On the platform, you will always find the latest unique real estate offerings that are not yet available on the public market.

Network of professionals

Network of professionals

Network of professionals

Our search system is available to every real estate agent or relocator, regardless of their membership
in a real estate association.

Our search system is available to every real estate agent or relocator, regardless of their membership
in a real estate association.

Our search system is available to every real estate agent or relocator, regardless of their membership
in a real estate association.

Internal chat system

Internal chat system

Our chat system enables real estate professionals to communicate with each other more quickly.

Our chat system enables real estate professionals to communicate with each other more quickly.

Internal chat system

Our chat system enables real estate professionals to communicate with each other more quickly.

Trusted by more
than 100+ real estate professionals

Trusted by

more than 100+ real estate professionals

Trusted by

more than 100+

real estate professionals

The search system for real estate agencies

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Disclaimer: All publications and expressions of Realmex are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of these publications and expressions may be reproduced, copied, or stored in any other way without prior written permission is given.

Disclaimer: All publications and expressions of Realmex are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of these publications and expressions may be reproduced, copied, or stored in any other way without prior written permission is given.

© Copyright 2024 Realmex. All rights reserved.

© Copyright 2024 Realmex. All rights reserved.

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The search system for real estate agencies

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Disclaimer: All publications and expressions of Realmex are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Except for personal and non-commercial use, no part of these publications and expressions may be reproduced, copied, or stored in any other way without prior written permission is given.

© Copyright 2024 Realmex. All rights reserved.

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